Sunday 15 November 2009

Do Anti Snoring Nose Drops Work?

As snoring affects over a million people each year all over the world, there are numerous remedies to reduce or even cure it. Serious snoring individuals resort to laser surgeries and other invasive techniques. However, if you scared about going under the knife, there are other effective anti snoring medicines that can be used. Many over the counter anti snoring medications can help get you relief from night time snoring, which may not always result in complete elimination of snoring but can reduce the noisy snoring to a large extend.

Just as there are a variety of anti snoring medications and techniques available, there are many simple remedies and techniques that can further help you end the nightly annoyance. But the question arises why do we even begin snoring?

Well, there can be a variety of reasons that lead to snoring and can be due to the side effects of medications, allergies, respiratory problems and weight gain. However the most common reason for snoring is ultra relaxation of the throat muscles that leads to excessive tissue to vibrate when a person breathes. The narrowing of the air passages lead to a forceful thrust of air each time it is inhaled or exhaled which makes the loose tissues vibrate leading to the noise of snoring. Using remedies and techniques to stop snoring can help to an extent but you need to identify the main cause of your snoring.

Sometimes changing your lifestyle, giving up vices like smoking and drinking can lead to unprecedented snoring at night. There are many people who use anti snoring remedies thinking that they will have a miraculous cure and would stop snoring overnight, but no medicine acts like magic.

Out of the many techniques and remedies to cure snoring, anti snoring nose drops are known to have brought good results. Some of the nose drops are herbal based while there are a few that have been clinically proven as effective anti snoring medicines. Regular use is known to have brought even heavy snoring under control lessening the chances of acquiring sleep apnoea.

So how do nose drops actually help in curing snoring?

A few anti snoring nose drops helps to lubricate the mucous membrane of the air passages and tightens the throat muscles, reducing the vibration of the tissues which leads to lower snoring rate. Similar to nose drops are throat sprays which work on a similar mode. Just spray and swallow and that allow the natural ingredients to coat the throat surface, lubricating d tightening tissues.

Usually nasal sprays, nose drops and throat sprays are natural, effective and regular use does make you snore less. However, it is best to use products that have been clinically tested as chances of side effects are very low as they have had human trials before being launched in the market. Using effective anti snoring nose drops and throat sprays means you get better sleep, rest and feel more energetic and have higher degree of concentration. Snoring will not magically go away, but these products do help.

Friday 13 November 2009

Snoring Sleep Disorder - Why A Snoring Sleep Disorder Could Kill Over 50% Of Adults Worldwide

Snoring sleep disorder is a disorder which about half of the world's adult population has. Unfortunately your snoring sleep disorder won't get better with age. This article will discuss snoring sleep disorder and why your snoring sleep disorder may kill you and half the world's adult population if left untreated. Keep reading to get instant access to a natural snoring remedy that has helped over 100,000 cure their snoring sleep disorder worldwide.

Many things can prevent someone from having a great night's sleep. However, nothing seems to come close to the irritating sleep disruption of someone with a snoring sleep disorder.

Considering people sleep, on average, for about a third of their life, it is easy to see why living with someone with a snoring sleep disorder can be so debilitating. In fact, partners of people with a snoring sleep disorder frequently end up leaving their partners.

However, the presence of a sleep snoring disorder is actually a glaring warning of more serious health problems other than a sleep snoring disorder. There are two kinds of sleep snoring disorders: One sleep snoring disorder is primary snoring and the other is obstructive sleep apnea. The first sleep snoring disorder is far more common. The second sleep snoring disorder, obstructive sleep apnea, is ultimately a sleep snoring disorder that can ultimately kill you.

If you or someone you knows experiences an extreme chronic level of snoring accompanied by choking, gasping for breath, and actually a cessation of breathing for a period of time then the sleep snoring disorder is the life threatening obstructive sleep apnea. This type of sleep snoring disorder is more prevalent in males and overweight people. This sleep snoring disorder OSA must be checked by a doctor. Sufferers of OSA sleep snoring disorder are continually depriving their body of the correct amount of oxygen which can result in serious life threatening conditions.

The frequency of obstructive sleep apnea in just 60 minutes is alarming and frightening. Obstructive sleep apnea can occur up to 50 times in just 60 minutes. Sufferers of this sleep snoring disorder can actually stop breathing up to 100 times every single night. As a result, individuals who have OSA often experience excessive sleepiness and also place themselves at risk when driving.

If you or someone you know could have this sleep snoring disorder then it's critical that you see your doctor asap. OSA usually co-exists with stroke, heart attacks and high blood pressure.

Other than these life-threatening conditions brought about by a sleep snoring disorder, snoring also brings about social problems for everyone who lives with a snorer. Additionally, snoring gets worse the older you get. You or someone you know may only have a mild form of snoring, but if this sleep snoring disorder continues unchecked, then in time it can develop into obstructive sleep apnea and become a serious threat to life.

For all of the reasons above it is absolutely critical that your sleep snoring disorder is not ignored any longer and that you urgently seek whatever treatment you can to stop your sleep snoring disorder permanently and start living your life snore free!

Wait! Now is the time to stop your snoring and get your life back! Over 100,000 customers have cured their snoring permanently without surgery for snoring. I can show you how to banish your snoring forever in as little as 7 days. Let me show you how to stop your snoring for life without expensive surgical procedures, medications, over-the-counter products, or ridiculous devices. I guarantee I can stop your snoring. Snoring is a big deal and you and your family don't have to suffer anymore. Stop your snoring now. CHECK OUT THE LINKS BELOW

Excercises to completely stop snoring
Stop Snoring in 7 days
Stop your snoring naturally

Tuesday 10 November 2009

A Snoring Problem? Cure It!

A snoring problem may seem to be small but is quite grave if understood it properly. It is a warning that you are not able to breathe properly when you sleep. This means that your body is not getting sufficient oxygen and you strive and struggle to gain it as you snore. Also it is a sign that you have habits that are making the passage of air blocked. The snoring problem is also a problem for your partner, who is unable to sleep because of your snoring.

These days people are turning to various aids to get rid of their snoring problem. One of the most common aid to get rid of the snoring problem is the anti snoring mouthpiece. The anti snoring mouthpieces help in positioning the tongue to the roof of the mouth. This creates a lip seal and you are encouraged to breathe through the nose. The lower jaw is stabilized naturally. The anti snoring mouthpiece stabilizes completely the orthodontic cases by controlling the tongue thrust and thus avoid snoring.

People are using anti snoring pillows to great extent to get rid of the snoring problem. Anti snoring pillows are getting popular as they claim to have no side effects as in case of mouthpieces. For people who have a habit to sleep on their backs, the anti snoring pillow helps keep their chin elevated off the chest so that the air passage is open and therefore snoring is less likely to occur. For the people who sleep on their sides, the curved roll on the pillow under your neck assists to keep the jaw forward and the head from rolling. The anti snoring pillow also helps these sleepers to avoid the neck from kinking and therefore the airway open and thus get rid of snoring problem.

Methods like chin up strips that are used to hold the chin in proper position while you sleep are also proving a remedy to snoring problem. People who suffer from a snoring problem to a severe extent are looking towards surgery in extreme cases. The surgery is called snoring implant surgery. The snoring implant consists of three pieces of polyester yarn less than an inch long. They are placed into the soft palate on the roof of the mouth. They prompt the tissue to stiffen and in turn reduce the "flutter" which is the main culprit in the snoring sound.

A snoring problem can also be cured in some people by the intake of ginger. The ginger helps in increasing the secretion of saliva, which coats the throat and provides a soothing effect. The ginger mixed with honey can further lubricate the throat and along with snoring problems can bring an end to other cold problems too.

Taking care of one's diet can solve snoring problem. One should avoid foods that turn us obese. Make sure that you take healthy food and exercise daily. Also one should avoid smoking as it causes nasal congestion that in turn causes snoring. Taking alcohol and sleeping pills before sleeping also makes you snore. Sleeping in a proper posture that is avoiding sleeping on one's back also help in solving the snoring problem to a great extent.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Snoring: Serious Health Problem?

Breathing through the nose is the body's preferred method of receiving air because the nose acts as a humidifier, heater and filter for the breathed air, but when the nose becomes obstructed, the body is forced to receive its air through the mouth which does not filter, humidify, or heat the received air. This problem causes snoring. Snoring is defined as the noise produced while breathing through the mouth during sleep, caused by air passing relaxed tissues in the throat, causing the tissues to vibrate, creating hoarse or harsh sounds. This annoyance can disrupt a household and even ruin relationships. In fact, snoring is so common that one out of three adults snore at least a few nights a week. Studies actually show that 45 percent of men and 30 percent of women snore regularly. But can snoring be a sign of a serious health problem? If an adult snores loudly followed by a period of silence and then wakes up with a gasp or snort, this could be a sign of a serious problem called obstructive sleep apnea. Lifestyle changes and medical treatments can help stop snoring and the serious medical problems that follow it.

Is snoring serious? Socially and medically it is. Socially because it can make the snorer the object to ridicule and medically because it deprives the snorer of much needed rest. If the snoring is truly serious, it could cause long-term health problems such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Causes of snoring can vary on the person. One type could the anatomy of the mouth. The airways can narrow due to a low, thick soft palate or enlarged tonsils, or tissues in the back of the throat (adenoids). Another type can alcohol consumption. If an adult drank too much alcohol, it would relax the throat muscles because alcohol acts as a natural sedative. Nasal problems can also contribute to snoring. The partition between the nostrils could be crooked or the adult could suffer chronic nasal congestion. The final type that could cause snoring is a serious medical condition called obstructive sleep apnea. The throat tissues obstruct the airway, preventing breathing. Sleep apnea is loud snoring followed by periods of quietness that could last ten seconds, maybe more. The lack of oxygen and signals the brain to wake up, forcing the airway to open with a loud snort or gasp. This repeats itself over and over again in an adult who is affected by this. If this condition is left untreated, high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke could be the result.

There are two types of treatments available to general public. The first set of treatments, depending on the severity of the snoring, is medical treatments. The first treatment is oral appliances. To help advance the position of the tongue and the soft palate an oral appliance, which is a form fitting dental mouthpiece, is used to keep the air passageway open. In order to use an oral appliance, a visit to the dentist si required. If this option is chosen, a visit to the dentist once every six months for the first year and then annually after that is required so that the dentist can be sure that the oral appliance is helping relieve snoring, not make it worse. The second treatment is traditional surgery. A procedure called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is used where the physicians give anesthesia and tighten and trim the excess tissue (a face life for the throat). A third treatment is called laser surgery. This option is an outpatient surgery procedure called laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP). The physician who performs this surgery uses a small, handheld laser beam to remove the uvula and shorten the soft palate. The removal of the extra tissue opens the airway to allow more breathing and reduces vibration. More than one session may be required. Laser surgery is not recommended for occasional or light snorers or for obstructive sleep apnea. This surgery is strongly recommended for loud and disruptive snorers. A fourth treatment is radio frequency tissue ablation (somnoplasty). Like the laser surgery, this option is an outpatient surgery that uses local anesthesia. But unlike the laser surgery, this surgery uses a low-intensity radio frequency signal to remove part of the soft palate to reduce snoring. The last treatment is called continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This method involves wearing a mask over the nose during sleep. Attached to a small pump, the mask forces air through the airway to keep it open, eliminating snoring and preventing sleep apnea. CPAP is the preferred method of treating obstructive sleep apnea although most people find it uncomfortable.

Another or second set of treatments are called self-care treatments. These treatments can be used if the snoring is not a serious medical problem. The first is about weight. Bulkiness in the throat can narrow the airway causing loose throat tissues to vibrate during breathing. Being overweight is a very common cause for snoring, but losing that weight can get rid of the snoring problem. The second self-care treatment is sleep on the side. Lying on the back makes the tongue fall back in the throat, narrowing the airway and partially obstructing airflow. Sleeping on the side of the body prevents this action from happening and allows airflow to move freely. Sewing an object on the back of a pajama top can help prevent from sleeping on the back. The third method is using nasal strips, which open the nasal passages to allow better breathing. Treating nasal congestion or obstruction is another method that can be used. Having allergies can limit airflow through the nose forcing breathing to be done through the mouth, which would increase snoring. Using an oral or spray decongestant can help alleviate this problem. The last method of self-care is to limit or avoid alcohol consumption and sedatives.

Snoring is common among adults. Although sometimes it may not be serious, it could be if it is repetitive, loud or soft, or even stops breathing then it's a serious medical condition and if left untreated it could lead to other more serious problems. There are several treatments both medical and self-care that can relieve the snoring problem. If you believe that your snoring may be serious, consult your doctor and together the both of you can decide on the best treatment for you.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Snoring - What It Is and What Causes It

What is snoring and what is the cause of it? We all know that the effects of snoring are unhappy and tired spouses or relatives. Most people however, do not know what causes snoring, or that the act of snoring is not under the control of the snorer.

Snoring is very common and is an involuntary action on the behalf of the snorer. Almost half of all adults snore occasionally and around one quarter of adults snore frequently. Children may also be the victims of snoring. Although males and females alike can experience snoring, it is more common in males and overweight persons. Additionally, snoring usually grows worse as the snorer gets older.

So what exactly causes the act of snoring? Snoring is caused when the flow of air in the nasal passages and mouth are blocked or obstructed. Snoring usually occurs right before a person enters deep sleep. At this phase, the muscles in the throat, tongue and soft palate relax. If they relax enough, they block the airway and vibrate together, causing the snoring sound that we all know. Louder snoring occurs when the air passages are narrower, which causes the tissues to vibrate together more and the passage of air to become more vigorous, in turn resulting in louder snoring.

Many factors can bring about snoring. Among these factors include the anatomy of the snorer's mouth, alcohol consumption, problems with the nasal passages, or a condition called sleep apnea. The anatomy of a person's mouth can contribute to a snoring problem due to the size of the tonsils, soft palate and tissues in the back of the throat. If any of these body parts are larger than normal, then they can narrow the air passages even more.

One might wonder what alcohol consumption has in common with snoring. Alcohol can be like a sedative and relax the throat muscles, causing snoring. Thus, heavy alcohol consumption should be avoided before bedtime. Snoring may also be caused by problems with the nasal passages, such as congestion, which blocks the airways.

Snoring may also be caused by a medical condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is more than just a form of snoring. With sleep apnea, the throat tissues block the air passages, preventing a person from breathing. Eventually the person wakes up with a start due to lack of air. This condition may continue throughout the night.

Not very many people are aware that there may be side effects to snoring, but there are some side effects. Snoring may lead to weak or poor muscles in the throat and/or tongue. This may cause the tongue to fall into the throat, or the muscles of the throat to cave into the air passages, constricting the airways. Weak or poor muscles in the throat and/or tongue are also a cause of snoring. Likewise, a larger than normal soft palate will cause snoring. A large soft palate will dangle more closely to the air passages and block them easier. Large throat tissues or tonsils will cause a person to snore more readily. This is one reason why overweight people are more prone to snoring; they have bulkier throat and neck tissue.

While there are many causes to the problem of snoring, there are also many cures or treatments for it. Some treatments may be hearsay, while others are medically proven. Whatever the cause or severity of your snoring, it can be helped and possibly treated with a little research and knowledge

Monday 2 November 2009

Don't Want Surgery? Try Snoring Oral Appliance

Snoring has been linked to some life-threatening illnesses like hypertension, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. Many studies have reached to similar conclusions. Researchers have associated sleep and oxygen deprivation in snoring to these illnesses. Snoring also has its anti-social impacts and could aggravate an already shaky relationship.

The snoring sound is produced by the flapping of the soft tissues in the air passage. The factors that cause snoring are as simple as a cold and relaxed neck muscles during the night or such anatomical abnormalities as enlarged tonsils and adenoids, or thicker soft palate. The tongue sometimes plays a role in snoring especially in, but not limited to, older people in which the tongue becomes soft and flabby and tends to fall backwards in sleeping positions. In this case, you might need a snoring oral appliance.

A snoring oral appliance is the use of a device (like an orthodontic retainer) fitted in a patient's mouth and pushes the lower jaw so that the air passage is widened or opened. Snoring oral appliances come in varying designs but all are designed for a certain purpose and that is to open the air passage to facilitate better breathing at night.

A snoring oral appliance usually consists of two formings and is inserted into the back of the mouth holding the upper and lower jaw. Other snoring oral appliance works by gently pushing the lower jaw forward to create a wider opening and avoid obstructions. There is a type of snoring oral appliance that has a tongue sleeve that holds the tongue and sucks it to a position that it unblocks the throat opening.

Another type of oral snoring appliance works by actually moving all that contribute to snoring: the lower jaw, tongue, soft palate, and hyoid bone to a position that creates a wider opening to improve breathing. As old as snoring itself, the principle used in snoring oral appliance came from a 1930 patent of the first snoring oral appliance that kept the lower jaw forward to open the airway. Still used in selected cases today, the Tongue Retaining Device was first developed in 1980.

Since a snoring oral appliance is now widely used in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea, the medical society is looking forward to more practitioners to provide adept services. The snoring oral appliance is more personalized and easily tolerated by patients because it is worn just like an orthodontic retainer or mouth guard. The snoring oral device, in most cases, can provide relief and treat snoring and sleep apnea. However, in severe cases, a patient might want to opt for other types of treatment such as homeopathic remedies or surgery.